I think you’ll agree with me when I say:
It’s really hard to juggle a business, a career and being a mother.
Or is it?
Well, it turns out, you can accomplish your goals. With difficult and endless challenges, there is always hope. There is always one thousand (1000k) blessings in any single moment of standstill time. Whether you are in company or when alone. Psst. You are never alone.
In today’s post and message, I’m going to remind you how you can easily take the next step in your success.
Take a few seconds or minutes and stand tall. Then, remember every single blessing you have at your finger-tips. If you are blessed you will have 10. If you have two arms, two legs, two eyes, two ears, and a voice then you are extremely blessed. That is 19 blessings right off the cuff.
Sometime later today or this weekend take a few minutes to list your blessings on a piece of paper. This even works by speaking them all out loud. Where ever you are.
Speak with conviction and a firm voice. Speak loud for anyone and everyone to hear. I am strong. I am blessed. I am Inspirational. I am Victorious. I am Extraordinary.
You have the astonishing opportunity to be exactly who you are. A beautiful World Super Mom.
Obstacles do not survive a World Super Mom. The word “no” will never resonate a negative connotation of a World Super Mom. To the contrary good global world.
A World Super Mom’s strength is immeasurable energy that soars.
We are all World Super Moms every minute of every day.
Keep on inspiring us all. Continue taking the next step towards your business and educational goals.
— World Super Mom Writer Contributor Anonymous