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Photo By Omar Lopez

7 Simple Mentoring Techniques by World Super Moms

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Have you ever wanted to genuinely help others? Would you like to leave a positive footprint in the world or everlasting impression on someone who needs guidance? Stop looking far and wide on how to be an effective mentor because you’re more than capable. You have the power within you. You can make positive change each and every day without much effort.

First, remember when you had an amazing idea but no one to listen? Did you grow up with a mom or dad who were too busy to talk to you? Did your friends brush off your ideas and focus on insignificant life events?
We have all been there and you are not alone.

Here are 7 simple mentoring techniques that may guide or point another in the right direction.

  1. Give that person your undivided attention
  2. Take genuine time to listen
  3. Let them freely share their thoughts and interests
  4. Remain objective
  5. Keep an opened mind
  6. Ask them to express the positive aspects of each idea
  7. Take notes

A powerful mentoring meeting should last no more than thirty minutes. After each meeting organize your own notes. Summarize the material and find positive attributes that will support the person’s thoughts, interests, and ideas. Contribute reasonable suggestions for putting them on a path of forward. Allow them to make their own decisions and support them unconditionally. Ultimately, your goal is to raise them up and stand by them no matter the outcome.

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