Grandparent Blessings
Why Are Grandparents So Important For Children?
Seniors today are without a doubt thought too little of in many parts of the world. In some cultures elders are held in high regard as important members of society. In the United States, Senior citizens are often pushed to the side and forgotten. It’s important to remember that this segment of society contributes in ways that no one else can. Having experienced more life than their younger counterparts, seniors bring a wealth of wisdom and knowledge as well as strength forged over years of trials. While we cannot change society completely in terms of its attitude toward seniors, we can take one important step.
We need to start with our children and understand the important role grandparents and other senior relatives can play in a child’s life. No one denies that a strong bond between parent and child is important for growth and development. Grandparents, however, may not receive the same attention for their role in a child’s life. There are many reasons that Grandparents are so important for children.
Seniors Help Raise Children Now More Than Ever
Today, more and more people are in the workforce, many working two or three jobs. Many parents rely on the assistance of retired Grandparents and other older relatives. Some parents may take this free childcare for granted, but most Grandparents won’t mind because they do what they do out of love.
Seniors Share Their Knowledge and Help Kids Learn
It may be Cliché to say that with age comes wisdom, but it is still quite true. Senior citizens are often the butt of the joke when it comes modern technology, computers and social media, however, those of us who may be younger would do well to remember that seniors have accumulated more knowledge and adapted to more changes than we can imagine. Many of us can’t even fathom a time before the internet, but our older generations have watched the world evolve and change while learning to adjust and change with it. Children go to school and learn about the modern world and the skills they need for the future. The older people in their lives teach them about things we have forgotten. Seniors bring their history and knowledge into the lives of young people and help to expand their understanding of the world.
Seniors Show Children Love and Compassion
Grandparents are a source of unconditional love that can’t be topped. As parents, we love our children more than anything, but most of us are also working professionals with bills and responsibilities. It is hard for parents to give children the attention they need sometimes. Grandparents, however, are usually more than happy to spend plenty of time giving love to their grandchildren and making them feel important.
Seniors Help Children Learn About Diversity
We talk a lot about diversity, but usually apply the term to racial, cultural, and gender differences. Seniors introduce a different diversity into the lives of children. Obviously, children will first notice the physical differences in their older relatives. Maybe Grandma’s hair is a little lighter than mom’s, maybe Grandpa doesn’t get around as well and has to put on special glasses to read the kids a book. The other component is a more generational type of diversity. Children will notice that their older relatives might act a little different because they grew up in a different time. They might read the paper instead of online trending news. They might talk on the phone rather than text. Maybe, they talk to one another at the dinner table rather than stare at an electronic device. Through observing older relatives, children see that there are different ways to live and that it’s alright. While media and corporations are telling them that they have to be a certain way, dress a certain way, have a certain phone, etc., children can look to their Grandparents and see a role model exemplifying a successful life without being tethered to these marketing concepts. In short, Seniors can teach the youth, through example, how to be confident in themselves and to accept others as they are, both concepts that we strive to instill in our children.